Theme applied: Black & White. 

Changes made:

Water texture: vintage

Ground texture: Black & White

Water hue: 0.5

Water saturation: 0

Water value: 0.19

Stain amount: 1

Water color: use the ‘water color brush’ combining colors #a3d7e3 and #c6e8f2 with very low brush opacity. Go for the ‘fill’ on either of them until you have your desired water color.

Use all ground colors and the lowest opacity and with the 3rd brush option (the one on the right).

Ground color green:#1d5d1d

Ground and mountain color red: #c78d87

Ground color river blue: #0b1c88 (you can’t get your desired effect using the river tool so you’ll have to brush them on the land).

Type of mountain used: inked mountains